Pathfinder Mission Trips 2025
Jan. 18-26, 2025 Cost: $1200 plus airfare We will stay in a motel and will build a steel framework church in a nearby village. Cost includes lodging, meals and transportation in Panama, fun day activity, travel insurance, and a Pathfinder shirt and cap....
Pathfinder Mission Trips 2025
PATHFINDER MISSION TRIP – MALAGA, SPAIN SILVER TRIP April 21-29, 2025 Cost: $1,200 plus airfare plus possibly an overnight hotel layover We will be continuing our work at the missionary respite house with Missionaries Keith and Christi Jones. Meals, lodging, and...
Pathfinder Mission Trips 2025
PATHFINDER MISSIONS TRIP – CAMBODIA June 18–30, 2025 Cost: $1200 plus airfare Registration for this trip is now open to Hope Church in Algood, TN. If space is still available, registration will then be opened for others. The team will be working with veteran...
Pathfinder Mission Trips 2025
PATHFINDER MISSIONS TRIP – ICELAND AUGUST 8-17, 2025 Cost: approximately $1200- $1600 plus airfare The team will be working at the Skalinn Center, the church campground. We will sleep at the center. All meals and transportation will be provided once the...